Business company NEVADANS FOR CLEAN AFFORDABLE RELIABLE ENERGY (NCARE) is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. Company is located in the register with the Company number E0568032006-8 and with the national number of State Nevada NV20061185165. This legal entity was firstly registered on 2nd August 2006 under the legal form of Dom Non-Profit Coop Association. Its registered agent is NEVADANS FOR CLEAN AFFORDABLE RELIABLE ENERGY (NCARE) with the seat at 550 WEST MUSSER STREET, SUITE I, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV licensed as Noncommercial Registered Agent. Current company’s status is Active.
Company information
Company name |
Status |
Active |
Company number |
E0568032006-8 |
NV Business ID |
NV20061185165 |
Company type |
Dom Non-Profit Coop Association |
Home state |
NV |
Incorporation Date |
2nd August 2006 |
List of Officers Due |
31st August 2017 |
Business License Exp: |
31st August 2017 |
Registered Agent
The company NEVADANS FOR CLEAN AFFORDABLE RELIABLE ENERGY (NCARE) is managed by 28 persons in total. The persons responsible for business activities are MICHELE BURKETT (C/O DEFEND OUR DESERT) with the seat at P.O. BOX 3683, MESQUITE, 89024, NV as Director , MICHELE BURKETT (C/O DEFEND OUR DESERT) with the seat at 1127 LAKE VIEW DRIVE, MESQUITE, 89027, NV as Director , KYLE DAVIS (NEVADA CONSERVATION LEAGUE) with the seat at NCL, 7473 WEST LAKE MEAD BLVD SUITE 100, LAS VEGAS, 89128, NV as Director , BOB FULKERSON (C/O PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE OF NEVADA) with the seat at 821 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, RENO, 89503, NV as Director , BOB FULKERSON (C/O PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE OF NEVADA) with the seat at 201 S. ARLINGTON, RENO, 89503, NV as Director , JOE JOHNSON (C/O SIERRA CLUB) with the seat at 935 SHERWOOD DRIVE, RENO, 89509, NV as Director , JOE JOHNSON (C/O SIERRA CLUB) with the seat at 935 SHERWOOD DRIVE, RENO, 89509, NV as Director , ROBERT G JOHNSTON (C/O WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES) with the seat at 550 W. MUSSER STREET, SUITE H, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as President , ROBERT G JOHNSTON (C/O WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES) with the seat at 550 W. MUSSER STREET, SUITE H, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as President , ROBERT G JOHNSTON, (WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES) with the seat at WRA, 550 W. MUSSER ST., STE H,, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as Director , ROBERT G JOHNSTON, (WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES) with the seat at WRA, 550 W. MUSSER ST., STE H,, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as Director , NOAH LONG (C/O NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL) with the seat at 111 SUTTER ST., 20TH FLOOR, SAN FRANCISCO, 94104, CA as Director , NOAH LONG (C/O NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL) with the seat at 111 SUTTER ST., 20TH FLOOR, SAN FRANCISCO, 94104, CA as Director , ANDY MAGGI (NEVADA CONSERVATION LEAGUE) with the seat at NCL, 817 SOUTH MAIN STREET, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV as Director , REGINA NICHOLS (RECORDING SECRETARY) with the seat at 550 W. MUSSER STREET, STE I, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as Secretary , REGINA NICHOLS (RECORDING SECRETARY) with the seat at 550 W. MUSSER STREET, STE I, CARSON CITY, 89703-4997, NV as Secretary , TOM POLIKALAS (C/O SOUTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT) with the seat at SWEEP, 2991 SAGE RIDGE DRIVE, RENO, 89509, NV as Director , TOM POLIKALAS (C/O SOUTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT) with the seat at SWEEP, 2991 SAGE RIDGE DRIVE, RENO, 89509, NV as Director , DELAINE SPILSBURY (C/O BRISTLECONE ALLIANCE) with the seat at P.O. BOX 1055, MCGILL, 89318, NV as Director , DELAINE SPILSBURY (C/O BRISTLECONE ALLIANCE) with the seat at P.O. BOX 1055, MCGILL, 89318, NV as Director , RICHARD VAN DIEPEN (C/O AMERICAN INST OF ARCHITECTS NV) with the seat at 401 S. 4TH STREET, STE 175, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV as Secretary , RICHARD VAN DIEPEN (C/O AMERICAN INST OF ARCHITECTS NV) with the seat at 401 S. 4TH STREET, STE 175, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV as Director , RICHARD VAN DIEPEN (C/O AMERICAN INST OF ARCHITECTS NV) with the seat at 401 S. 4TH STREET, STE 175, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV as Secretary , RICHARD VAN DIEPEN (C/O AMERICAN INST OF ARCHITECTS NV) with the seat at 401 S. 4TH STREET, STE 175, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV as Director , JUSTIN WILSON (C/O WESTERN CLEAN ENERGY CAMPAIGN) with the seat at WCEC, 1535 GRANT STREET SUITE 207, DENVER, 80203-1845, CO as Treasurer , JUSTIN WILSON (C/O WESTERN CLEAN ENERGY CAMPAIGN) with the seat at 1535 GRANT STREET SUITE 207, DENVER, 80203, CO as Director , JUSTIN WILSON (C/O WESTERN CLEAN ENERGY CAMPAIGN) with the seat at WCEC, 1535 GRANT STREET SUITE 207, DENVER, 80203-1845, CO as Treasurer , JUSTIN WILSON (C/O WESTERN CLEAN ENERGY CAMPAIGN) with the seat at 1535 GRANT STREET SUITE 207, DENVER, 80203, CO as Director .
All data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.
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