Business company 333 SHAMROCK, LLC is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. Company is located in the register with the Company number E0390222005-6 and with the national number of State Nevada NV20051320151. This legal entity was firstly registered on 21st June 2005 under the legal form of Domestic Limited-Liability Company. Business activities of this company are managed by Managers. Current company’s status is Permanently Revoked.
Company name | 333 SHAMROCK, LLC |
Status | Permanently Revoked |
Company number | E0390222005-6 |
NV Business ID | NV20051320151 |
Company type | Domestic Limited-Liability Company |
Home state | NV |
Managed By | Managers |
Incorporation Date | 21st June 2005 |
List of Officers Due | 30th June 2006 |
The company 333 SHAMROCK, LLC is managed by 1 persons in total. The person responsible for business activities is REAL ESTATE SOLUTION PROVIDERS, INC with the seat at 2533 N CARSON ST, CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as Manager.
Address | 2533 N CARSON ST, CARSON CITY, 89706, NV |