Business company ODEN & ASSOCIATES INC. is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. Company is located in the register with the Company number C11396-1992 and with the national number of State Nevada NV19921065166. This legal entity was firstly registered on 20th October 1992 under the legal form of Domestic Corporation. Current company’s status is Permanently Revoked.
Company information
Company name |
Status |
Permanently Revoked |
Company number |
C11396-1992 |
NV Business ID |
NV19921065166 |
Company type |
Domestic Corporation |
Home state |
NV |
Incorporation Date |
20th October 1992 |
List of Officers Due |
31st October 2003 |
The company ODEN & ASSOCIATES INC. is managed by 6 persons in total. The persons responsible for business activities are GARY WILLIAM ODEN with the seat at 2533 NO. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as President , GARY WILLIAM ODEN with the seat at 2533 NO. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as Treasurer , GARY WILLIAM ODEN with the seat at 2533 NO. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as President , GARY WILLIAM ODEN with the seat at 2533 NO. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as Treasurer , CHRISTOPHER S RAY with the seat at 2533 NO. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, 89706, NV as Secretary , CHRISTOPHER S RAY with the seat at PO BOX 506, LAFAYETTE, 47902, IN as Secretary .
All data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.
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