Business company THE NEVADA SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. Company is located in the register with the Company number C5388-1982 and with the national number of State Nevada NV19821009809. This legal entity was firstly registered on 13th September 1982 under the legal form of Dom Non-Profit Coop Association. Its registered agent is RANDY LAVIGNE with the seat at 401 S. FOURTH STEET, STE. 175, LAS VEGAS, 89101, NV licensed as Noncommercial Registered Agent. Current company’s status is Active.
Company information
Company name |
Status |
Active |
Company number |
C5388-1982 |
NV Business ID |
NV19821009809 |
Company type |
Dom Non-Profit Coop Association |
Home state |
NV |
Incorporation Date |
13th September 1982 |
List of Officers Due |
30th September 2017 |
Business License Exp: |
30th September 2017 |
Registered Agent
Name |
Address |
401 S. FOURTH STEET, STE. 175 |
City |
State |
NV |
Zip |
89101 |
Mailing State |
NV |
Agent Type |
Noncommercial Registered Agent |
The company THE NEVADA SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS is managed by 8 persons in total. The persons responsible for business activities are MICHAEL ANDERSEN, AIA with the seat at 2714 TIMBER CROSSING COURT, HENDERSON, 89011, NV as Secretary , MICHAEL ANDERSEN, AIA with the seat at 2714 TIMBER CROSSING COURT, HENDERSON, 89011, NV as Secretary , MICHAEL ANDERSEN, AIA with the seat at 2714 TIMBER CROSSING COURT, HENDERSON, 89011, NV as Treasurer , MIKE ANDERSEN, AIA with the seat at 2714 TIMBER CROSSING COURT, HENDERSON, 89011, NV as Treasurer , JOHN COPOULAS, AIA with the seat at P.O. BOX 2517, CARSON CITY, 89702, NV as President , BRETT EWINF AIA with the seat at 10100 W CHARLESTON BLVD, LAS VEGAS, 89135, NV as Director , MARK RYAN, AIA, ESQ with the seat at 7980 WEST TORINO AVE, LAS VEGAS, 89113, NV as President , MARK RYAN, AIA, ESQ with the seat at 7980 WEST TORINO AVE, LAS VEGAS, 89113, NV as Director .
All data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.
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