Business company OLD COLLEGE is a legal entity registered under the law of State Nevada. Company is located in the register with the Company number C3639-1980 and with the national number of State Nevada NV19801006161. This legal entity was firstly registered on 1st July 1980 under the legal form of Domestic Non-Profit Corporation. Current company’s status is Permanently Revoked.
Company information
Company name |
Status |
Permanently Revoked |
Company number |
C3639-1980 |
NV Business ID |
NV19801006161 |
Company type |
Domestic Non-Profit Corporation |
Home state |
NV |
Incorporation Date |
1st July 1980 |
List of Officers Due |
31st July 1999 |
The company OLD COLLEGE is managed by 6 persons in total. The persons responsible for business activities are KATHERINE COLLINS with the seat at P.O. BOX 2071, RENO, 89505, NV as Secretary , KATHERINE COLLINS with the seat at P.O. BOX 2071, RENO, 89505, NV as Secretary , JOHN FLANIGAN with the seat at 2750 HOLCOMB LANE, RENO, 89511, NV as Treasurer , JOHN FLANIGAN with the seat at 2750 HOLCOMB LANE, RENO, 89511, NV as Treasurer , WARREN NELSON with the seat at P.O. BOX 2071, RENO, 89505, NV as President , WARREN NELSON with the seat at P.O. BOX 2071, RENO, 89505, NV as President .
All data on website has informational character only and are taken from publicly available sources.
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